Friday, December 25, 2009


Godliness with contentment is great gain. To be continued....

Monday, November 30, 2009

Long Time No Type

I can't believe it's been 5 months since I've posted anything! So much has happened since then. Gambia was INCREDIBLE (more to come), I took the plunge and have devoted most of my vocational time to reaching kids (pro bono, though, thankfully, I believe I have some potential donors to my cause, not to mention other incredible connections), and I am growing each day. My faith increses each day. A little waver here and there, but deep in my heart I know that God is working everything out for my good, according to His purpose. This walk in darkness has not been easy, but I do see light. Small. Still. But LIGHT. There's much more to say, but I'll have to continue later.

-Keep the Faith! (In JESUS)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Between Chapters

I've never done anything like this. It's completely atypical of me. Miss Plan-Every-Detail-Before-Acting, Count-the-Cost, Measure-the-Distance has really done it this time. I quit my job (in the middle of what's being called a RECESSION) with not much of a safety net, 2 months salary to be exact. I, yes, I left the comforts of economic stability in order to pursue my dreams. (Snicker here!) Sounds ridiculous, I know. Especially for a girl who struggled for years to find employment that would at least allow me to pay those pesky student loans, keep the oil changed in my car, and grab an occasional burrito.

I've been running a mentorship organization for girls, also an aspiring non-profit, in my negligible spare time. I've known since I was 18 that my work with this organization would eventually be my full-time gig. I just thought my departure from working for someone else to self-employment would be far less scary. I thought I'd have tons stashed away in a nice little nest egg and a team of investors before I took the GIANT leap. Nope. It had to happen now-God's orders.

Over the next couple of months I'll be tracking my progress as a budding entrepreneur/dare devil. I can't see my way clearly, but I know God will pull me through. Keep tuning in as I pen my adventure. We're sure to learn a lot.

Did I mention that I'm in the process of trying to buy a house or that I leave on a 9 day missions trip to The Gambia on August 1st (I still need to raise $3200, by the way.)?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My New Thing

I've been waiting for it...
Looking for it...
Hoping for it...
Praying for it...

The New Thing.
The New Life.

It's here.

Sure to manifest,
With faith and action's collide.

I'm ready...I think.
It's scary, but here.

I feel change in me.
The same I won't be.

I want it more than ever...
Delay pursuit never...

I know He will deliver...

My New Thing.